
Scroll down to find out more details about all of Marian's books...

Transformation through Menopause (Greenwood Press,1991) ISBN: 978-0897892698
(now also available on Kindle)
"by far the most wise and thought provoking book on menopause that I have ever read. It is must reading for every woman who dares to meet the challenges of menopause fully and consciously"
~ Christiane Northrup M.D., author of
Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom

To read more about this heirloom book on menopause, go to

Elderwoman: (2nd Edition) A handbook for the later-life journey (CreateSpace, 2017) ISBN: 978-1974086481

".. a rare and beautiful gem of a guidebook.. precious nectar for a booming generation."
Brooke Medicine Eagle

To read more about this popular trail guide to the woman's 'third age' journey, go to

The Lilypad List: 7 steps to the simple life (GreenSpirit, 2020) ISBN:979-8551017226

 "A book of profound insights, at once inspiring and practical. It shows an elegant way out of the consumerist lifestyle of the modern world" - Satish Kumar, editor, Resurgence Magazine

To read more about this simple and elegant guidebook to simple, green living (which was originally published by Findhorn Press),  go to: 

Downshifting Made Easy: How to plan for your planet-friendly future (Earth Books, 2011) ISBN: 978-1846948862

“An inspiring and readable book that not only offers a practical framework but also gives valuable insights into the process step by step”   ~ Maddy Harland, Editor, Permaculture Magazine                                                                  

 To read more about Marian's latest book on downshifting, go to

GreenSpirit: Path to a New Consciousness (Earth Books, 2010) ISBN: 978-1846942907
(This is an anthology, edited by Marian, with a Foreword by Satish Kumar)

"A valuable guide to some of the deepest thinking on the connections between ecology and spirituality. Never before have so many important ideas on these subjects been assembled between the covers of a single book."
~ Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D.  biologist and author of The New Science of Life

For more details about this landmark book, go to

Self-Therapy Made Easy (Psyche Books, 2012)

“In this era of a bewildering proliferations of therapies, it is refreshing in the extreme to find a book designed for the beginner that is firmly grounded in the time-honoured tradition. It is a rare combination to find simple and accessible wisdom, professional expertise, and wit and humour. The writer has achieved the difficult balance of offering serious support without taking herself too seriously.”
 ~Tony Conway, Homeopath, Psychotherapist, Teacher.


Marian also writes fiction under the imprint Bean Terrace Books

Her first full-length novel was entitled The Bird Menders  
(Booklocker, 2009) ISBN: 978-1601458667 This is also available as an e-book.

 You can read more about it at

Aswell as her non-fiction books, Marian has  been writing short stories for many years. Some have appeared in magazines and several have won prizes in competitions.
Twenty of them have been published in a collection under the title Apricot Harvest

Go to to read more about these stories and how to purchase the book.

One of Marian’s tales, a little stand-alone, slightly science-fictionish short story entitled Waiting a While for Greeneyes was published in booklet form by Leaf Books, of Glamorgan, Wales

(Available UK only, see: )